The First Principles Series

Engage every believer in the first principles of Christ.

The First Principles Series

Impact Story

Deeply Shaping Church and Family Life

Hear members from Crossing Life Church in Windham, New Hampshire talk about the personal and churchwide impact of using the First Principles Series in their churches.

Series 1

Series 1 covers the process of establishing believers in their faith in the context of a local church––a household of God.

Becoming a Disciple

Belonging to a Family of Families

Participating in the Mission of the Church

Cultivating Habits of the Heart

Series 1

Series 2

Series 2 turns participants' attention from the household of God––a local church––to indiviual households––the family. God's plan for husbands, wives, parents, and children is set in the context of the local church family.

Enjoying Your Relationship

Passing On Your Beliefs

Envisioning Fruitful LifeWork

Building for Future Generations

Series 2

Series 3

Series 3 moves from passages to entire New Testament books, first developing a clear process of accurately interpreting these books, then revising the first principles in the context of Acts and Paul's letters.

Handling the Word With Confidence

Unfolding the Great Commission

Laying Solid Foundations in the Gospel

Catching God's Vision for the Church

Living in God's Household

Series 3

Teaching the First Principles

A six-session guide desgined to help leaders understand this new, dialogue-based approach and to develop the full skill set necessary to establish believers and churches in the faith.

Teaching the First Principles

Teaching the First Principles

Consistent Study Process

The First Principles Series leads students through a learning process---a process designed to teach them to think. The process is based upon the biblical Hebrew wisdom model and on sound, contemporary educational research. This Consistent Study Process (CSP) takes the student through a complete learning cycle. CSP is not ESP---it is not mystically experiencing the text, but carefully and soundly studying the Scriptures. There are four basic steps to this process and one final step that integrates the work from the first four.